We implemented a datamart for data collection and cleaning and calculation of key performance indicators (KPIs) for the development of the distribution network. We designed management dashboards and reports for the KPIs.
The most effective data analytics is the one that users love
and enthusiastically use it for their daily work - the one from us

We implement solutions for integration, reporting and data analysis to help you in your daily work. We will teach you how to manage and develop them yourself.
Advice and consultation

We will help you with the design of Business Intelligence architecture, selection of tools, audit or modernization of the existing solution.
Data integration

Sjednotíme data z vašich informačních systémů na jedno místo, vzájemně je propojíme a optimalizujeme pro reporting a analýzu.
Dashboards and reports

We will design and create clear reports and dashboards and set up a self-service environment for further development on your own.
Data science and AI

Using data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence and other proven techniques, we unlock the maximum value from your data.
Data Academy

Naučíme vás vše, co potřebujete k vybudování, rozvoji a úspěšnému provozování vlastního Business Intelligence řešení.
Dolphins in numbers
years on the market
number of participants in the BI Academy
140 mil.+
annual turnover
number of certifications achieved
How we've helped clients
We will be happy to advise you on how to turn your data into a competitive advantage.
Listen to our podcast
Interested in working in BI?
Are you looking for support, a friendly atmosphere and a job you look forward to? Then the Dolphins can become your heart's desire too.