We’re looking for people, not resources

shared values are important to us. We want everyone to understand what we do and why

BI konzultant při práci

Not interested in any of the open positions, but still want to be part of our dolphin team? Send me an email at marketa.krejci@dolphinconsulting.cz.

I’d be happy to invite you in for a coffee and see if we can come up with a good solution together.

In the meantime, you can read more about our company and what makes us unique.

Markéta Krejčí | HR dolphin

Are you interested in working at dolphin consulting?

Take a look at our dolphin Climate graph and find out more about our company culture.

Learn more
zaměstnavatel roku koláž

In 2022, we won first place in the Fair Employer of the Year with a Good Atmosphere awards. We thank all of our employees - because they are a pleasure to work with and for. This major award serves as important feedback, letting us know that we are doing our job well and that dolphins like working here.

Markéta Krejčí | HR dolphin
“A friendly atmosphere in the company is just as important to us as good relations with our clients.”
Jakub Holubec | leading dolphin

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