Health Map: An Interactive Publicly Available Dashboard in Power BI


Organon & Co.

Organon is an American pharmaceutical company specializing in women’s health and biosimilars. The company’s portfolio encompasses more than 60 medicines and products across a range of areas including reproductive health, heart disease, oncology, immunology, dermatology, allergy, and asthma. Organon was created as a spin-off of the well-established global pharmaceutical company MSD (Merck). As of 2024, the company has approximately 10,000 employees and a turnover of more than $6 billion. Since the company’s founding, we have been one of Organon’s key partners in data integration, business intelligence, data analytics, reporting as well as guidance & governance 

Organon - případová studie (náhled webu obr. 1)

Client’s requirements 

The client asked us to create a rather unique dashboard in Power BI combining the needs of the Policy and Market Access team, clarity for regional government representatives and usefulness for the public. In addition, the dashboard could serve as the foundation of a presentation showing the company’s contribution to women’s health that Organon’s CEO was scheduled to make during a planned visit to Spain.  

Organon operates in more than 140 countries, including Spain, which it sees as a key market in a strong position in the European region. The client’s internal team tasked with identifying business opportunities on the Spanish market lacked a tool providing a comparison of the health and socio-economic profile of each region, which was needed for showing the real situation of women’s health to national, regional and local governments.  

The client’s internal team had a partner that was obtaining all the official databases and downloading   them manually in dozens of Excel files, which consumed much of its capacity, particularly for data preparation at the expense of data analysis, and in that way, results weren’t going to be useful at all. 

In light of the fact that the client’s vision is “a better and healthier every day for every woman”, the entire solution was also intended to be open to the general and professional public (particularly scientists, healthcare professionals, civil servants and political representatives) as a valuable source of structured information on morbidity, mortality and related socio-economic indicators in each region of Spain. The proposed solution was to be produced in Spanish, include instructional videos outlining how to use the solution and enable downloading of all the data.  


We used agile methodologies to develop the solution. We provided complete business and data analyses, which facilitated comprehension of the data and relationships between data and elaboration of the requirements. We delivered partial solutions in short iterations that were continuously tested and documented. By employing an agile approach and continuous engagement with all stakeholders, we covered all of the client’s priority requirements. 

In contrast to typical management reports, we created a graphically attractive dashboard in Power BI technology similar to a user-friendly web application. All data transformations were developed at the Power BI level according to the client’s requirements. 

The introductory graphically designed signpost (shown in Figure 1 below) leads the user to three main data analysis areas (Figure 2 shows an example of one of the areas) and to other dashboard functionalities, such as user comparison of regions by any indicator or downloading of selected data. The homepage includes a link to an instructional video on how to use the dashboard.

Organon - případová studie (náhled webu)

Each page displays 1 of the 40+ indicators in detail by gender, diagnosis and region – using graphs, tables and maps. Dashboard users can also switch between indicator calculation methods and filter the displayed results. A navigation bar at the top of each page enables users to move quickly between sections and pages. Each indicator also has a descriptive caption. 

The dashboard, whose traffic we help monitor, is publicly available on the client’s website ( This unconventional way of sharing the dashboard beyond the client’s environment was necessary to allow unregistered users to view the dashboard. Since it isn’t possible to download the data using this sharing method, we divided the source files using Python and uploaded these files to the client’s website so that they could be downloaded after filtering. 


The main benefits of the dashboard can be categorized by target group. For the internal teams, we streamlined the whole process, created a tool to help them develop new relationships with their customers and saved time previously required for manual data processing. For the general and professional public, we developed a platform offering health and related socio-economic indicators in both aggregated and detailed formats, in a single user-friendly location, along with the option of downloading the data for users’ own analyses. 

Last but not least, we created a basis for Organon’s CEO for his planned visit to Spain that illustrates Organon’s key vision: to fill the gap in women’s healthcare to improve the everyday health of women around the world. 

Technologies used  

The dashboard was implemented in Power BI, including data transformation and calculations. Python was used to generate files. 

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