Vyvinuli jsme reporty pro oblast plnění plánu, výroby a profitability. Poskytli jsme podporu a další rozvoj implementovaného řešení. Proškolili jsme uživatele reportů.
We help you predict the future from your data
we implement data science and AI solutions to maximize the efficiency of your business

Dolphins in numbers
years on the market
number of participants in the BI Academy
140 mil.+
annual turnover
number of certifications achieved
Data science and AI
Use advanced analytics to uncover hidden patterns and dependencies in your data.
Statistical methods, predictions, what-if analysis, data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence – we’ll help you select and implement the right techniques to discover new opportunities and improve your business.
Predictive models
To predict future outcomes and also behavior from historical data.
Classification analyses
It can be used to select the appropriate segment to target from a large volume of data.
Optimization tasks
To choose the option with the highest future potential from a range of options.
What-if analysis
Suitable for formulating, influencing and choosing possible future outcomes.
Areas of application of advanced analytics:
- Segmentation/Clustering
- Customer retention
- Customer Targeting
- Customer Lifetime Value
- Dynamic Pricing
- HR analytics
- Business analysis
- Predictive Maintenance
- Predictions for university management
How we helped our clients

Want to make the most of Data science?
We will be happy to help you with this. Leave us a message and contact information, we will get back to you shortly at .